Maud Inge Marie Talma (1997) is born in Mons (Belgium). She grew up between two regions, which each belonged to two different countries, namely France and Belgium.
Currently based in Sarreguemines (France).

After completing a bachelor's degree in International Relations in Malmö (SE) in 2019, she graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie's (NL) VAV-Moving Image Department (Visual Audiovisual) in July 2023.

Always fascinated by the universal surrealism of the local, she strives to show lesser-known areas with an edge of realness and dream while staying away from stereotypical portrayal.


                    Photo Tobias Mud

I am a filmmaker with a strong interest in animation and painting.

Within the context of hyperlocalism and cross-border regionalism, folklore and spoken languages are powerful tools of self-expression. They have always been around. And yet, they may be the only salvation and sole remain of the self in the constant acceleration of cultural uniformity.

                                                Maud Talma-2023